All students residing within the zone described below and depicted on the map attached will be entitled to enrol at Waverley Park School.
Proof of residence within the enrolment scheme zone may be required.
Boundary | Description |
North |
Layard St: from Racecourse Rd to Exmouth St. Properties on the north side of Layard St are not included in the zone. Properties on the west side of Exmouth St are not included in the zone. |
West |
St Andrew St: from Exmouth St to Bamborough St. Properties on the north side of St Andrew St are not included in the zone. Bamborough St: from St Andrew St to Yarrow St. Properties on the west side of Bamborough St are not included in the zone. |
South |
Yarrow St: from Bamborough St to Racecourse Rd. Properties on the south side of Yarrow St are not included in the zone. |
East |
Racecourse Rd: from Yarrow St to Layard St. All Racecourse Road properties from the north side of the Yarrow St intersection are included in the zone. So too are Findlay Road properties between the Racecourse Road intersection and 170 Findlay Road (inclusive) and the properties on Tuai St (a no exit road branching off Findlay Road to the north). |
New Entrant Pre-School Visits
We sometimes have places for out of zone enrolments depending on the numbers of 'in zone' students for each school year.
You can apply for an 'out of zone' place at Waverley Park School.
We advertise places available for each term on the Waverley Park School Facebook page.
All out of zone enrolments are subject to enrolment scheme legislation. An enrolment scheme must establish the following order of priority for the selection of students who live outside the Waverley Park School zone.
If there are more applicants in priority groups than there are places available, selection within the priority group will be made by ballot.
An enrolment pack can be collected from the school office. When returning the enrolment form please ensure all requested paperwork is included with the application.
Please note: should a ballot be necessary, all applicants will be notified of the outcome within three working days of the ballot being drawn.
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