Reporting to Parents


Schools are obliged to report on pupil progress to parents twice a year. Waverley Park reports to parents three times during the year.

Term 1 Classroom programme information sharing and goalsetting interviews
Term 2 Mid-year reports & interviews
Term 4 End of year reports sent home


We encourage you to keep in touch with your child’s teacher during the year. 

We continually monitor and assess your child and we are happy to share our information at any time. Don’t wait for the next formal report if you need to know something now.

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Uniform NZ Bragg Building and Design ComplEat Wellness Diack's Nurseries Ryder Roofing Invercargill Collision Repair and Restoration Limited G.J. Gardner Homes Southland Waikiwi Wood & Coal
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